Give your child a better
outlook on life.
Development of myopia in children
Myopia is becoming a serious problem in more and more countries. Especially in urban areas in Asia, almost 90% of young people develop myopia before the age of 204. – a trend that continues worldwide. Studies predict that, by the year 2050, nearly 50 percent of the world’s population could be shortsighted5. In a worst-case scenario, early myopia can lead to the emergence of progressive myopia, a severe form of short-sightedness: after the onset, a person’s vision may quickly deteriorate at a rate of one dioptre per year and turn into high myopia, which increases the risk of other eye problems, such as damage to the retina or even blindness
How do you treat myopia progression in children?
There are multiple options for treating myopia progression in kids: with contact lenses that the child only wears at night, soft contact lenses for during the day, eye drops and special spectacle lenses – the latter tends to be the most comfortable treatment method for young patients.
No matter the particular treatment, lifestyle also has a strong impact on the health of our eyes: studies have shown that myopia is less common amongst children who spend a lot of time outdoors or, if a child is myopic, it progresses more slowly.

This special near vision design also supports the digital lives of today’s children by reducing eyestrain. Specially designed with your child’s anatomy and lifestyle in mind, ensuring that they enjoy greater visual comfort.
MiSight® 1 day contact lenses with ActivControl® Technology are dual-purpose: they provide clear vision and help to control the worsening of myopia.