Camarena Porter Optometrist Inc. trading as Spectacle World is a complete eye health care facility, which has been caring for the vision needs of our community since 1993.

Our qualified optometrists are most conscientious about their continued education Programme. Our eye health examination includes a comprehensive visual examination, fundus photography, intra ocular pressure test, colour depth perception, eye muscle balance and screening for ocular diseases.
Our qualified optical dispensers are well trained with the latest technology of lenses and lens enhancements as well as taking custom-made measurements to meet the real optical need of the client.

We are proud of our personalized customer service and our delivery of quality eye health services and products. Our team strives to offer outstanding service and optical care to all, from welfare to the well-heeled, with continuous training in the latest optical innovations as well as client care.

Meet the Team

Adèle Camarena

Optometrist / Director/ Eyewear stylist

Cathy Bonfig

Head of Administration

Zaytoun Rahim

Front Desk Coordinator

Admin Assistant

Eyewear Stylist

Joye Cupido

Front Desk / Lab Assistant

Eyewear Stylist

Morne le Roux

Optical Lens and Eyewear Consultant

Optical Lab Technician

Fadwaa Jacobs

Dispensing Optician

Eyewear Stylist

Danyella Camarena

Marketing and Copywriting Assistant

Eyewear Stylist


Choosing the right contact lenses from the vast selection available can feel overwhelming. At Spectacle World, we strive to address this concern by providing a thorough assessment and consultation for each patient.


Myopia control, also known as myopia management, refers to the additional clinical care provided to children with myopia to manage and regulate its development.

Encourage your kids to limit screen time, especially with hand-held devices. Reducing screen time is particularly important for young children.


Dry eye syndrome (DES) is a condition characterised by a chronic lack of moisture and lubrication on  the eye’s surface. Symptoms include scratchiness, burning, stinging, pain, redness, and a discharge.

To treat DES, recommendationsinclude using artificial tears regularly, blinking frequently during computer use or reading, taking breaks at least once an hour, using a humidifier, applying warm compresses, using prescription eye drops or ointments to increase tear production,


Protecting your eyes from the intense and harsh sun in Africa is crucial. Sunglasses are an essential accessory for eye protection against harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and excessive brightness.

What our clients say about US


“My een oog is versiende en die ander bysiende. Ek het ‘n lensinplanting gehad en gedog ek sien goed genoeg. Ek het ‘n vermoede Covid het ook my sig bietjie aangetas. Nadat ek my nuwe bril opgesit het, was die hele wereld ‘skoon en mooi’ vir my. Die korrekte lense gee my beter sig.”

“Spectacle World se stileringsproses is ‘n MOET vir elke persoon. Vir te lank vat mense rame sonder om aan die stilering en kleur te dink. Ek kry geweldig baie komplimente nadat Adele (Camarena) my onder hande geneem het. Van jy lyk fantasties tot jy lyk jonger tot jy lyk mooi, en nog meer. Spectacle World, in besonder Adele, Gail en Sarel, het my lewe verander. Hulle het my laat besef dat daar meer is as net die rame wat ek gehad het. ‘n Nuwe fantasie wêreld is vir my oopgemaak. Die Zeiss lense is ook next level nice. Partymaal vergeet ek my sonbril en dan help die lense baie.”

“Ek is so in my skik met my nuwe rame en lense. Wie sal nie wees nie? Ek is gelukkig om redelik enige styl en kleur te kan dra. Brille is vir my ‘n funky bykomstigheid. Ek kies party dae eerste my bril en dan die klere wat daarby pas. Ek word nog altyd herken aan my brille en lipstiek en die nuwe rame laat my trendy voel.”


My name is Defo. I am born different: Black with no melanin (albinism) which means having low vision and a sensitive skin in a very warm country. 

It was a huge challenge to be accepted and understood in a society where people are not educated about albinism. I had to work through various stigmas; two or three times harder to find a place in the sun.  

My lovely parents too were not well informed about albinism. They didn’t know that I had low vision or how sensitive my skin was. They also never knew how to help me face the stigmas at school and in society. 

For many children going to school was fun, but not for me. I had to sit in the same position in the classroom, far from the blackboard like other children with good vision. Teachers who were careful and kind would let me stand close to the blackboard to copy lessons. Other teachers forbade me to and told me to sit like everyone else. I had to copy my friend’s notes during school break. This never stopped me from being top of my class or at least in the top three during primary school.

I had to go through the same issues with teachers in high school. It became more difficult and painful with subjects like maths, physics, technology and life science where everything was pasted on the blackboard with diagrams, formulas and calculations.  I often hated going to school and even wanted to give up, but I couldn’t. There was always something inside me telling me I have to find my own place in the sun.

During primary and secondary school, I was living in a village in a rural area where many are financially and educationally poor. I had to work under the very hot sun during dry season with no skin protection to avoid punishment and always came home with extremely painful and deep sunburn.

When it came to finding a job, no one wanted to hire me. For many people in my community, living with albinism means being disabled mentally as well. No company wanted to give me a chance to show what I was able to do, not even for an internship. I fell into a deep depression for around five years and lost all my self-confidence. I started seeing myself in the same way my community did.

As I needed to do something to take care of myself, I eventually decided to start a small business. I had to walk from one street to another to sell my goods under the burning sun.  Eventually I had to stop for the sake of my skin. I again started looking for a job, until one day I heard about a financial company recruiting representatives. I went for the interview like every other applicant. Fortunately for me, during the interview one of the HR members examined my CV more deeply, ignored my natural condition (albinism) and listened to me. At last someone understood that I could offer the company more than just being a rep and I was hired as a teller.

I came alive again! I started believing in my abilities, gained more self-confidence and overcame my low vision. I had to give it my all while working ten hours a day on the computer without glasses.  That wasn’t easy, but I worked hard and grew with the company, which is in micro finance. Today I’m working for a credit bureau. My disability became my ability!

My advice to anyone born different? You must know that you disability is an ability that many normal people don’t have.  Your disability is that powerful strength that makes you do what able people cannot do, that powerful strength that motivates you every single day to do your best and not give up on your dreams…




Ek het van my laerskooldae af ’n lui linkeroog en is versiende. Ek het ’n bril nodig vir bestuur, lees, TV kyk en rekenaarwerk.

Hoewel ek nie met my bril bestuur wanneer ek net in my omgewing rondry nie, ry ek nooit lang afstande sonder ’n bril nie. Dit gee my gemoedsrus en laat my veiliger voel, want alles is duidelik en in fokus wanneer ek bestuur – veral wanneer dit reën of die son baie skerp is. Dis ook asof kleur helderder en meer gedefinieer is wanneer ek deur getoetste lense kyk – alles is dus mooier!

Die regte lense sit die lewe in fokus en laat my meer in beheer voel – ek stres wanneer ek sonder my bril iets probeer lees en die letters swem voor my oë. En die oranje raam wat ek gekies het, is lig, vrolik, my gunstelingkleur en absoluut my styl en smaak.

Die stilering was groot pret – ek sou nooit kon droom dat die ronde vorm by my ovaalvormige gesig sou pas nie. Dis ‘n fantastiese diens. Met my vorige getoetste bril was die raam wat ek gekies het, te swaar en baie oninteressant. Dit het my oud en outyds laat lyk, daarom het ek nooit my bril voor ander mense gedra nie. Met my nuwe bril voel dit soos om juweliersware aan te sit en te weet dit pas jou en ander gaan dit om die regte redes raaksien.

Oranje raam en ronde lense, ek is mal daaroor – al die rame wat ek aangepas het, was mooi en interessant, maar die een wat ek gekies het, pas my gesigvorm en styl soos ’n handskoen.

Ek kry baie komplimente. Iemand wat my goed ken, sê dit pas by my beroep as joernalis, maar weerspieël terselfdertyd my liefde vir helder, lewendige kleure. Dis tegelykertyd “fun” en professioneel.

Van nou af sal ek net Spectacle World toe gaan vir my “sigbehoeftes”.


Herman Lategan

Ek het moeilik die woorde op my rekenaar se skerm gesien en moes dit telkemale vergroot. Verder het ek minder boeke begin lees, dit was net te veel van ʼn inspanning. Lees is vir my belangrik. Ek het nie besef my sig is swak totdat ek vir die toets gegaan het nie. Hoofpyne is minder.”

“My bril het my lewensgehalte so verbeter. Ek het weer ʼn entoesiasme om boeke flink te lees. Die woorde op my rekenaar is weer leesbaar sonder dat ek dit hoef te vergroot. En ek voel weer produktief en minder tam.”

“Ek beveel Adele en haar span by Spetcacle World ten sterkste aan. ʼn Mens voel op jou gemak, dit is alles baie jollie, tog professioneel.  Ek is so tevrede met my seeblou raam – stylvol en professioneel. Met my sonbril kan ek uitspattig wees, maar met my leesbril is ek modieus en ook professioneel.”

“Ek kry soveel komplimente. Almal is gaande oor my kamp sonbril. Absoluut. Met my leesbril is ek meer ernstig en mense lewer kommentaar op die mooi raam.”


Zoë Brown

I was at university when I realised that I needed spectacles. After getting my first pair, I cried when I discovered the green blobs along the side of the road were individual green leaves on trees. When I got my contact lenses, a whole other world opened for me. I got my freedom back to enjoy sport and activities without the hassle of my glasses steaming up. I have astigmatism, which is in my family – everyone on my dad’s side of the family rocks glasses.


I had the best styling experience at Spectacle World! I never knew there were so many elements to factor in when choosing eyewear. Adele (Camarena) made the process so fun and easy. She showed me the best colours and shapes for my face. Every pair she brought to try on was the perfect fit for my personality!


I’m obsessed with my new spectacles and have two gorgeous pairs. The one pair is Michael Kors. It’s bold, chic and super sophisticated. I love that every time I wear them, they draw attention to my eyes. My second pair is a rose gold frame, which is very elegant and neutral. It’s fun and flirty! I ‘m obsessed with both pairs equally and I love that I can pick and choose, based on my mood.


It makes me proud to wear glasses. I used to be so embarrassed but now I love it and it’s an extension of my fashion sense and personality. I get compliments all the time! Family and friends love my new spectacles and say it suits my personality and style to a tee.


I’ve been ranting and raving to my friends and family about my incredible experience. I love that I finally have spectacles that I’m proud to wear. Since I work on TV, it’s also important to have flexibility with my eye wear. I have and would highly recommend Spectacle World. Thank you for opening my eyes and mind to the world of stylish spectacles. Wearing specs is not a disadvantage. In fact, it’s the complete opposite!


Ek is nie ‘n brildraer nie, dus het ek kontaklense gekry. Dis bifokaal! Ek het nie eens geweet mens kry bifokale kontaklense nie, maar daar het jy dit nou. Ek kan Woollies se aanwysings op die pakkies lees en my mikrogolfmaaltye proe deesdae baie beter – dalk omdat ek nou die aanwysings kan volg!

Ek was mal oor die stileringsproses. Ek het gemaklik gevoel en asof ek in goeie hande is. Ek raak angstig tussen al die brille en dit voel dit gaan bo-op my spring. Daarby het ek ‘n vrees dat ek soos Elton John gaan lyk as ek klaar ‘n bril gekies het, of soos ‘n nerd. Adele het binne sekondes vir my ‘n raam gekies wat my gesigvorm en gelaatskleur komplimenteer. Ek is blykbaar ‘n warm persoon. Nie van geaardheid nie, maar wat die kleur van my vel, hare en oë betref.

Die verskeidenheid brilrame is ongelooflik, die diens baie persoonlik en gedetailleerd. Selfs die brilore is gevorm om my perfek te pas en ek was ook baie beindruk deur die foto wat van die agterkant van my oogbal geneem is! Wat baie mooi lyk en baie gesond is, dankie!

Ek het ‘n sonbril gekies want ek het sewe jaar laas een gedra. Ek het ‘n geliefkoosde sonbril gehad met ‘n pienk raam en silwer kopbene, en toe vervang my destydse boyfriend dit met ‘n baie duur aviator-styl bril wat ek gehaat het. Toe ons opbreek het ek nooit weer ‘n sonbril gedra nie. Ek het ook ander prioriteite gehad soos kind alleen grootmaak.

My sonbril is ‘n David Green blaarontwerp in pers met turkooisrame en die oulikste klein blaartjies aan die kante. Ek het jare laas gegaan vir ‘n bril wat groot is. Ek dink dis te glamorous vir my. Ek het laas ‘n groot wit en rooi raam gehad op varsity en toe het almal my gespot. Maar ek dink hierdie keer kan ek dit met grasie en styl dra. Ek is mal oor die feit dat David Green se brilrame ‘n “groen” proses volg en elemente van die natuur in sy ontwerpe korporeer. Dit voel vir my ek red eiehandig die osoonlaag en ek lyk mooi!


Ek voel soos ‘n supergewilde, superinteligente, superseksy skrywer – wat ek natuurlik is. Ha. Ha.


Erla-Mari Diedericks is ’n joernalis, rubriekskrywer en outeur. Sy is al meer as 30 jaar ’n joernalis en het haar droom verwesenlik om vir byna elke publikasie in SA te skryf, waaronder Fairlady, Femina, You, Huisgenoot, Sarie, Rooi Rose, Idees, Tuis, Keur – en selfs Playboy. Sy het ook al geskryf vir Beeld, Die Burger, Rapport en Sunday Times. Sy het sewe boeke op haar kerfstok – Sin, Sushi & Survival, Still Standing, V-Verhale, Seks, Leuens en die Internet, Agter Grendels en Dominique. Tans skryf sy rubrieke vir Netwerk24 wat dikwels die manlike geslag ontstig.


Adele Schmidt

“Ek het as kind oogchirurgie ontvang, so dra al my hele lewe n bril. Vroeër jare n bril vir lees, ‘n bril vir ver sien, ens. My oë verswak maar met die jare en ouderdom, dus was dit weer tyd vir ‘n besoek aan Spectacle World.

“Ek het wonderlike nuwe multifokale lense. Dit maak die lewe net soveel makliker. Gewoonlik neem ek altyd iemand saam om te help met die kies van ‘n raam, helaas toe nou nie die keer nie. Dit is nogal oorweldigend om ‘n raam te kies uit die baie groot verskeidenheid. Na die oogtoetse was die personeel so behulpsaam met die uitsoek van ‘n raam – iets heeltemal anders as wat ek sou kies.

“Ek is ‘n kunstenaar van beroep en gee ook kunsklasse. Die span het ‘n baie kleurvolle, ‘funky’ raam voorgestel en ek is gaande daaroor! My studente ook! Hulle dink ek is braaf, maar helaas dit was met julle hulp! Ek kry selfs komplimente van vreemdes terwyl ek by die supermark wag om te betaal. Baie dankie vir julle professionele diens en hulp.”


Reading greens and judging slopes and speed, have always been incredibly challenging for me. Since I knuckled down and got my eyes working together, thanks to Adele Camarena, I’ve been able to see depth for the first time. At first it was a massive adjustment, but now my friends aren’t scared to ask me to read their lines for them.


I prefer playing with contact lenses at the moment purely because I’m able to have more normal peripheral vision and less magnification. It’s also easier with the weather as you don’t need to worry about rain falling onto your glasses. On sunny days, my sunglasses are excellent and help me to see a lot more grain. They also make all the important colours on the golf course pop.


I’d definitely recommend Spectacle World to other athletes to enhance their vision and live up to their full potential. I didn’t know how bad my vision was until I figured it all out and did everything necessary. Nowadays when I get home after a long day of training I’m not even that tired. I never realised how much my sight was weighing both me and my performance down.


My brock string exercises were definitely the pits. At first I would literally cry with frustration, trying to get it right and get my eyes working together. Lately I can do it with ease and at different heights and angles. It has improved my focus a lot and even my sports performance psychologist has seen the difference when we use the Focus Band (uses rapid eye movement detecting your focus).


My quality of life has most certainly improved. I cannot play golf anymore without either my glasses or contacts. I’ve completed adjusted to this new and better way of seeing things. I believe it has toned down my anxiety a little bit, even though initially I felt very unsure of everything.


Adele Camarena was so good to me. She made me feel confident and comfortable in the frames we chose. I really had no idea how to go about choosing frames to suit my face. She quickly jumped in and sorted me out. I love how she just makes things happen.


Everyone always compliments me on my glasses and how my two different frames suit my face for two different purposes. My black Oakley sunglasses are perfect for when I’m out on the course, while my Vogue lighter colour frame always receives compliments out in public.


I’m so appreciative of Adele Camarena and the entire team at Spectacle World. They’ve all been so good to me and have gone the extra mile. I cannot thank them enough.

Terena le Roux

Ek dra bril vandat ek in die laerskool al hoe vorentoe in die klas moes skuif om op die bord te kon sien. Ek was erg bysiende en boonop astigmaties. Wat dit erger gemaak het, was dat ek van kleins af bitter lief vir lees was. Om my sig te sien gaan, was nie lekker nie. Daar is niks soos daardie eerste bril om die wêreld weer te verlig nie!

Uit die aard van die saak maak ’n goeie bril ’n reuse-verskil aan ’n mens se lewensgehalte. En as kind kon die regte raam sê jy’s cool terwyl ons ook weet wat die verkeerde raam kan doen.

Hulp met die stileringsproses is altyd lekker. Kyk, ek gaan uiteindelik die bril neem wat ek graag wil hê, maar daar is altyd 2 of 3 waaruit mens moet kies en dis heerlik om ander opinies te hoor, veral as dit objektief is. Soms het mens ook iemand nodig wat vir jou sê as iets nié werk nie.

’n Bril is deel van ’n mens se klerekas. Soos met enige ander accessories kan dit ’n uitrusting perfek afrond of net uit plek lyk. Dis dus belangrik om binne jou persoonlike styl te bly.

My suster was so mal oor my eerste bril van Spectable World dat die oomblik wat sy gehoor het ek het ’n nuwe bril,  ’n afspraak gemaak het vir nuwe lense wat in my ou raam kon gaan. Dit het twee gelukkige susters gemaak!


Baie dankie!

 Terena le Roux


I’ve been going to Spectacle World since 1997/1998. Both my parents, sister and son have been

regular customers as well. We treat it like an ‘outing,’ and it always feels like family when we walk in.

Whether I broke a nose clip or needed adjustment around the ears, they’ve never charged me

anything extra and I’ve always been treated like a VIP.

Almost thirty years later, I now am a 62 year-old. I started needed reading and screentime assistance

in my thirties. The past 20 years my eyes have deteriorated to the point that I can’t read or see

anything without my specs. Every time I get a new pair, I notice that my eyeliner is on my cheeks. My

friends and family must hate me or think that I’m following a new fashion. I marvel at colours and

the definition of my surroundings and am convinced my sister accompanies me on my visits to

Spectacle World just for the entertainment value.

With my last visit to Spectacle World, owner Adele was the stylist who picked my frames. I nearly fell

into a dead faint because being a customer for 27 years and always enjoying the experience with the

stylist, I could never make up my mind. With the second frame she picked out for me, I looked in the

mirror and my sister (who still accompanies me for the entertainment value) screeched: “You look

10 years younger!” In less than five minutes, I was styled with frames that I probably would not have

picked off the shelf myself. The vibrant colour and style shed years off my face. Who needs a plastic

surgeon if you have Adele in your life? Well, at least at my age. I continue to receive compliments,

months after getting my new specs. I highly recommend Adele and her team and am proud to refer

friends, colleagues, and family to Spectacle World.

With being styled by Adele and realising that spectacles can truly make a statement, I’m planning,

for the first time ever, to get a wider selection of frames to continue the path she has set me on, in

making a statement of who I am. She also made me fall in love with David Green’s handcrafted,

biodegradable designs. Wearing my new specs has boosted my confidence. In the past I chose

frames as an understatement. Spectacle World has shown me that frames can indeed make a

statement and reflect your true personality to the world.

I now get compliments all the time. “10 years younger” seems to be the first response. It’s not only

that as the comments also confirm that it reflects my personality.

Thank you, Spectacle World!