THE ART OF EYEWEAR Founder and Director of Camarena Porter Optometrist trading as Spectacle World Adele Camarena shares the latest eyewear trends every shape and colour and expert advice on hygiene and eye tests. WORDS BY JESE LILLIENFELDTHARTMAN Adele Carnarena is like no optometrist rve ever met Most gLasses wearers approach trips to the optometrist with cynicism. You have your eyes tested which can be a little uncomfortable and then you're usually left to choose your own frame. That made me appreciate just how incredibly comfortable Adele made me feel. She's lmowledgeable, an expert who constantly provides you with valuable tips and information, giving you those lightbulb moments. A bonus: I kive her tailored styling experience, which pushes you out of your comfort zone and beyond your boundaries. This eyewear styling experience is exclusively available at her practice, and shes the only optometrist in SouthAfrica to have obtained a certificate in The Art of Eyewear Stylingwith Eva Dave, presented by the Eyewear Styling Academy. INSPIRATION "While writing an accounting test in Grade 8, I realised I couldn't see the instructions to complete my test on the overhead projector. I went to see an optometrist, and it was a lifechanging moment when I wore my new spectacles for the first time. Suddenly, I could see more detail around me, even the tiniest leaves on a tree. It immediately inspired me to study optometry. "I moved to Cape Town in1993 and joined the Spectacle World Group as its Director. After five years as part of ateam of three women optometrists, we had sufficient business experience to start our own private practice. Fortunately, we could adapt to the everchanging demands of business and today provide exceptional and individualised optometric services to our wellhe_eled and economically disadvantaged patients alike. SUCCESS "I've continuously honed and improved my sIdll set by taking courses, including ones on eye exercises to improve visual skills in the cl.sroom or on the sports field, and on taking digital photos of the retina inner layer of the eye as part of our basic eye test routine in screening for eye pathology that could prevent blindn.s with Stef ICriel of GIO. "More recently, I obtained a certificate in The Art of Eyewear Styling with Eva Dave, presented by the Eyewear StylingAcademy, a first for South Africa. This framestyling course has enabled me to advise patients on suitable eyewear to enhance their facial PHOTOGRAPHY: KARIN HUCKFELDT PHOTOGRAPHY, QT PHOTOGRAPHY, SUPPLIED features and to help them feel great, confident and above all, see well. "Eyewear styling entails the psychology of colour, detailed colour and facial feature analysis, looldng at the individual's style personality and incorporating optical measurements. 'As an independent optometrist who's practiced for more than 30 years, it's always been of paramount importance to me that we offer excellent clinical care, customer service, optical lens and frame styling. "The most rewarding part is when patients can see well and look great The challenging part is ensuring we don't miss anything when performing eye tests. Many conditions can be prevented or minimised when diagnosed and treated early. CHOOSING YOUR EYEWEAR "Eyewear is a personal accessory, as it's not a onesizefitsall. Under the guidance of an eyewear stylist, you can select a frame and shade from this season's colours to complement your eye and hair colour, skin undertone and personality. "Consider factors such as the balance between your face and the frame. The width of the frame should align with the widest point of your face, i.e. the jaw or cheekbone. It should follow the curve of your eyebrows, and your eyes should be in the centre of the frame's lenses. UPLIFT YOUR SPIRITS "As with going to the mall to shop for bold fashion choices, investing in new eyewear can elevate your look. Dopamine dressing is a trend that cuctends to your eyewear. You'll discover sununer's eyewear styles will make shopping for new spectacles effortless, as you're guaranteed to fuld a pair that works for you. "Spectacles are no longer a needtohave but have become a trending accessory, the epitome of fashion and function after all, your face is the first thing people see when they look at you! PANTONE COLOURS "Pantone colours for spring include daffodil and canaryyellow, lilac, bright pink, scarlet and sky blue. These are all happy colours incorporated in the eyewear that's on trend now that reflect our sense of hope, optimism, joy and pleasure. EYE TESTING "Your eyes constantly change, so regularly seeing an optometrist can help you catch and manage potentially harmful eyehealth problems early before they affect your vision and overall health. You might tell yourself you only need a few 'readers' from the pharmacy to help your tired eyes when reading at bedtime. But in reality, you might need prescription help in the form of optically centred lenses precisely measured for each eye, a unique "opticaP recipe. EYE HYGIENE Wash your han.ds before touching your eyes, tme eyefriendly drops, clean your eyes gently in the morning and evening with a cleaning product along your upper and lower eyelids and try not to rub your eyes. FRAME STYLING New spectacles should provide you with clear, comfortable vision and fit securely. Eyewear becomes the focal point of your face and should reflect your personality, complement your facial features andboost your selfconfidence. Your style personality dictates the choices you make in life, from your car to your favourite holiday destination. We aim. to guide you in selecting the perfect frame to suit your style personality whether at work or the beach. To assess your colour type, we use the internationally renowned Colour Me Beautiful system of six dominants as used by the Eyewear Styling Academy . An eyewear stylist looks at the undertone of your skin your complexion and the colour of your eyes and hair. Facial feature analysis helps to detennine which frame size and shape will suit you. We aLso look at scale, the ratio of one object in relation to another, i.e. the size of your face in proportion to the size of the frame. The important thing here is balance. The shape of your frame should suit your unique personality and follow the angles and curves of your face. A square or angular frame is more dramatic than a frame with soft, round curves. to NOVEMBER 2022 GLAMOUR.0O2A 61 Adele Camdrena Founder and Director of Camarena Porter trading as